

“Hello Christine ! J’ai enfin réussi ma première posture Sirsasana (posture sur la tête) “at home”, juste après le retour de ma session avec toi !!!
Après l’aide que tu m’as apportée aidée pour la stabilité des jambes tout au long de ton cours, je me suis sentie super en confiance et je l'ai bien réussi. Ayant été bien préparée par tes méthodes auparavant… Je suis trooooop contente ! “

Cécile Drumaire, Entrepreneuse, Paris

“Oh my goodness, I just had a wonderful (private) yoga class with Christine, including Kurunta yoga (Iyengar ropes) , which I'd never heard of before, that was amazing.
I'm new to any real yoga (done some DVDs here and there) and it was great to have a teacher there to help me understand the poses (and the physiology associated with them) and to guide me through them.

If you're in Paris and looking for individual or groups classes, I would definitely recommend her !”

Shannon Latimer Marchat, Marketing Expert, Paris

“Je recommande sans réserve les cours de Christine : j'en suis deux par semaine (dimanche et lundi à Esprit Anahata). Ils ont lieu loin de chez moi, à des horaires qui ne m'arrangent pas et j'y vais quand même : juste parce qu'ils sont exceptionnels !

Christine est une enseignante inventive : elle ne propose jamais la même séquence de postures, ni même une séquence qu'on aurait pu suivre ailleurs et elle vous amène peu à peu dans des postures que vous n'auriez jamais imaginé faire. Tout est pensé, intelligent, stimulant. 

Christine est exigeante : elle ose faire tenir les postures longtemps (ce qu'on a rarement la volonté de faire quand on pratique seul chez soi) : rien de tel pour vraiment progresser et surtout pour sortir de la salle régénéré. 
Enfin, Christine est ultra sympa : l'ambiance de ses cours est merveilleuse - à la fois joyeuse et recueillie. Je crois que tout le monde, débutants comme conformés, y trouve son compte - et plus que son compte. “

Baptiste Touverey, Auteur-écrivain, Paris

“I wholeheartedly recommend Christine’s yoga retreat as a wonderful event suitable for people of all yoga capabilities. There were really experienced people in our group who were challenged to the max whilst at the same time those of us who were virtual beginners were helped and encouraged so that we were all fully participating and getting the most from the sessions.
Christine was fun and enthusiastic and it was so nice having sessions in English and French.
All set in a glorious location with a great mix of English and French yoga fans.
I’ll definitely be signing up for the next one !”

Lisa Holland, TV Journalist, London

"Si vous souhaitez découvrir ou pratiquer le yoga en toute convivialité, n'hésitez plus vous êtes à la bonne adresse. Avec Christine vous aurez l'assurance d'allier pratique, joie et bienveillance, idéal pour se ressourcer joyeusement."

"If you want to learn or practice yoga in a friendly atmosphere, do not hesitate you are at the right address with Christine ! You can be certain that she will combine the practice with joy and benevolence, ideal for relaxing and revitalizing in a light-hearted setting."

Claire Crouzet, Iyengar yoga instructor, St. Georges d’Orques

“The YogaFlowerParis retreat in Lesches en Diois (Drôme) was wonderful in every aspect, and Christine has totally rekindled my enthusiasm for yoga !
I have practiced yoga ,with varying amounts of enthusiasm, for 30 odd years, so I know how important it is to have a teacher one can trust and feel comfortable with. Christine is such a teacher. She was able to help me into asanas that I thought were beyond my capabilities, by using equipment and props to accommodate my physical limitations. I found Christine’s instructions clear and succinct, and completely understandable in both English and French, and her gentle melodious voice made relaxation a blissful experience!”

Elaine Hill, London

“Outre la qualité et le sérieux de l'enseignement, ce sont la fantaisie et la gaieté de Christine que j'ai particulièrement appréciées; ces qualités sont pour moi essentielles à la construction d'une ambiance digne du yoga : partage, amitié, joie ! C'est ce que nous avons rencontré lors du stage proposé par Christine  le week-end de Toussaint de l'année 2016.

In addition to the quality and seriousness of teaching, was the imagination and cheerfulness of Christine that I particularly enjoyed. These qualities are, for me, essential to the building of an atmosphere worthy of yoga: sharing, friendship and joy! "That's what we encountered during the workshop proposed by Christine  for the Toussaint Weekend-2016"

Christiane Maury, Yoga instructor, Montpellier

“After a year of regular Iyengar yoga practice in the Hérault, I attended the four-day « Yoga, the Breath & the Voice » workshop in the Drôme, hosted by Christine.

Some participants were beginners and others were Iyengar teachers! Despite these differences, Ms. Flowers was at ease in negotiating the program and sequences. She easily adjusted the postures for each participant based on their individual skills. Some of the students were from London, so the workshop was both in English and in French. The quality of the course is due to how precise and concise her explanations are of the postures and preparations.
She never hesitated to correct the participants by coming around to highlight errors and make adjustments where needed in the posture,  which was of paramount quality for me. Another essential quality: she is very patient with her students. She facilitates the access to this discipline with a playful approach and an investment and generous availability with each student. She exudes the pleasure to teach and to share her knowledge and practice of yoga with just the right touch of humour! We sense very clearly that she is passionate and determined!

You can see her rigor through the work she has put in to building the course and her choices are judicious and relevent. It was a real pleasure and a super opportunity to be able to attend this retreat with Christine as a guide and teacher because she transmits her passion and makes you want to excel in this practice!

Thank you!”

Hélène Pagès, Singer/musician, Villeneuve les Maguelones