
Welcome to the YogaFlower.Paris website. So happy you stopped by for a visit.
I’ve created this blog to coincide with the yoga tutorials I will be posting once a week on YouTube.

In my videos I will be breaking down one, maybe two postures at a time and giving you a more detailed understanding of how to get in and out of them comfortably and safely with some suggestions on how to progress inside the posture.
You can also refer to my blog for a more in-depth look on what you find in the videos.
If you’re not familiar with Iyengar yoga, Restorative yoga and Yoga Therapy, there may be some notions that will be new and pleasant surprises for you !  I hope you find these suggestions, tips and videos helpful for your own practice and daily well-being.

Just a heads-up: if you’re not already familiar with the benefits of yoga, here’s a shortlist of what it can bring to you. There are many and this wee list is just a small hintling of it’s marvels.

So here are a few super-reasons to start your love affair with yoga :

1. I can’t take this stress anymore !

Just take a good look at the world we live in- everything coming at us from all different sides and speeds. Putting some time aside for yourself in order to just calm down has become a bit of a luxury. But why ? It doesn’t have to stay that way. Just making time for  and committing to a quiet, quality moment with yourself to put into perspective what is really important will put you on the right track on sorting out your real priorities and reduce your stress. Sometimes it’s just a matter of breathing and observing that breath.

2. Oh yeah, about that desk job…. 

With all that stress we tend to latch onto - it has an amazing impact on our overall posture. Couple that with sitting at a desk, hunched over a computer until it’s time to call it another day - no wonder we have so many aches and pains in our bodies ! Yoga stretches out the spine, shoulders and other joints and muscles and brings incredible immediate relief. Back pain especially is usually a result of a sedentary lifestyle, so start stretching out those kinks !

3 . I just wanna feel better !

Even if you’re skeptical and you’re only looking at it for the more physical results it can bring : i.e. weight loss, flexibility, strength and co-ordination - all being fabulous and very valid reasons to begin a practice, there are other hidden treasures that will inadvertently surface. Whether you’re looking for it or not, something very quiet and deep begins to happen with a regular yoga practice. A spiritual connection or more precisely a connection with your own true-being starts to unfold and blossom. Your mood elevates, you see things from a higher perspective and you’re generally a happier person !

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg ! So come on, let’s get going so we can feel better and enjoy our lives as fully as possible right now! It’ll be fun !

Yogaflower Paris
Let yourself become living poetry
- Rumi