Upward Bound Finger Pose (Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana)
Behind the Back Bound Finger Pose (Pashima Baddhanguliyasana)
Downward Facing Thunderbolt Pose (Adho Mukha Vajrasana or Yoga Mudrasana in Vajrasana)
Upward Bound Finger Pose in Thunderbolt (Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana in Vajrasana)
Type : Seated Posture
Justification : Arm Variation, Shoulder and Chest openers
Physical Benefits : Opens and broadens the chest and the armpits. Loosens tightness in the shoiulders. Tones the arms, forearms, wrists and palms.
Therapeutic Benefits : Relieves depression and fatigue.
Limitations : Avoid if you have an arm or shoulder injury or low blood pressure.
How To Practice : Sitting in Thunderbolt Pose (Vajrasana) with a blanket tightly fitted into the backs of the knees to create space and protect the knees, sit back on your heels with your buttocks, keeping the feet in line with the tibias.
On the inhale raise the arms straight in front of you to shoulder height. Interlock the fingers keeping the thumbs together. Exhale, pressing up through the index fingers and turn the palms up to make them parallel to the ceiling. Inhale and bring the biceps next to the ears extending the arms and keeping them as straight as possible. (If you can’t straighten your arms, put a belt shoulder-width around the forearms and try to explode it with the pressure of your arms.) Penetrate the shoulder-blades in towards the chest and hold for 3 breaths. Exhale and let the arms release down placing the hands palms facing up on the thighs. Change the interlocking of the fingers. Repeat on the other side.
Behind the Back Bound Finger Pose in Thunderbolt (Pashima Baddhanguliyasana in Vajrasana)
Type : Seated Posture
Justification : Arm Variation, Chest and Shoulder Opener
Physical Benefits : Stretches the upper back, pectoral muscles, shoulder joints and improves posture. Opens the abdomen.
Therapeutic Benefits : Relieves depression and fatigue.
Limitations : To be avoided if you have low blood pressure, arm or shoulder injuries.
How To Practice : Sitting in Thunderbolt pose with a blanket tightly fitted into the backs of the knees to create space and protect the knees, sit back on your heels with your buttocks, keeping the feet in line with the tibias.
Interlock your fingers behind your back and on the inhale roll your shoulders back and downand lift your arms as high as possible keeping the trapizius muscles down and relaxed. Keep the head in line with the trunk. On the exhale try broadening the shoulder-blades and make them penetrate in towards the chest. Hold for 3 breaths. Exhale and let the arms release down placing the hands palms facing up on the thighs. Change the interlocking of the fingers behind the back. Repeat on the other side.
Downward-Facing Thunderbolt Pose (Yoga Mudrasana in Vajrasana)
Type : Seated Posture
Physical Benefits : Stretches the feet, ankles, knees and thighs. Tones the pelvic muscles and improves overall posture. Encourages digestion and relieves gas and bloating. Helps relieve sciatica.
Therapeutic Benefits : Stabilizes and calms the mind
Limitations : To be avoided if you have foot, ankle or knee injury.
How To Practice : Still sitting in Thunderbolt Pose ( Vajrasana) with a blanket tightly fitted into the backs of the knees to create space and protect the knees, sit back on your heels with your buttocks, keeping the feet in line with the tibias. Using a brick to place under the forehead, interlock the fingers behind your back. On the inhale roll the shoulders back and down and bring arms and hands towards the ceiling keeping the face and throat relaxed and neutral.
Breath 3deep breaths and then release on the exhale. Change interlacing of the fingers and repeat on the other side.
This can also be performed by pulling the arms to each side in a diagonal manner.
Start polishing your inner diamond with these shoulder and chest openers while toning and strengthening you ankles and feet.